I was going mad.
What had I done? In Colombia I spent some time feeling homesick, and I decided to book a flight home for christmas; 1,5month. I'd work and save up some money, meet my friends and family for christmas, spend my birthday and new years. I'd recharge my batteries to fully appreciate how wonderful South America is, instead of getting used to it all, and I'd be thinking a lot about what to do in the future. Travel more? Study? Where, what?
Only my parents knew that I was coming. I was thrilled, but in the last weeks I had changed my mind(!) all wired on the joys of travel. I wanted to go to the jungle instead. Returning home, that long long way, I was thinking that I was out of my mind. I was missing my bike and SA already. This "perfect" world just didn't fit me, anymore. People saw me but they don't see what I was bearing with me. - Memories that now seem like lovely dreams. I saw that. I did that. In the beginning I would listen in on some conversations of ordinary people, living their ordinary lives, and I'd be screaming inside. I needed to be pulled back to earth, but I didn't want to. I'm so far from being ready to start school, get an apartment and a job, etc. But I was only back here for a short time, and I write my own future. No one can forcing me into an A4 life, even though I feel "the pull" like everyone else.
I paid 7000nok for a trip/return with Iberia and Tyrolean air(never heard of before). It took me more than 30 hours to reach Oslo. I killed time, getting to know a nice painter, coming from Kairo. Norwegians aren't that cold. It's just a matter of breaking the ice at first, and I've had some practice. I got to Gardemoen airport and shockingly realized that my credit card was missing. I only had the four that don't work. Pissed off at myself and a bitchy information receptionist that had snapped at me for using the stationary phone she had offered to me, for too long, trying to solve the problem of getting from downtown as I didn't have enough dollars for two bus tickets. (they don't Really take peruvian pesos)
The last bus had left at 1 am, and I was stuck. A taxi costs 800NOK, which was out of the question. I found a nice, fake fireplace at the airport and finished my book "on the road", and I was both travelling and starving together with the character. I couldn't afford food. I decided to check every Possible place in the bag, and discovered my credit card in the strap pocket, where I never put anything. I even made the receptionist cheer, as I was too thrilled to despise her.
At 6 am I rang on the apartment complex, telling my sister that I was one of her friends, Kirsti, and that she had to let me in because it was very important. Terrified what terrible event had happened for her to come all this way in the middle of the night, seeing me was a surprising relief. I love these things...
We spent the next day shopping with her friends, and I met my friend, Linn, in a cafe. I also went home to my hometown, that night, after a cheap shop. I met several friends at the airport, and shared the sighes of our plane not being able to land because of the snow, so that we had to land in Molde; 1,45min away by bus, without our luggage, which they left behind to be able to land in Ă…lesund... again, we were starving. If you're delayed by more than 1,5hour, you can really demand the airline to pay for a meal.
My brother, unaware that I was coming, had called my sister earlier saying that my parents had gone crazy for trying to make him come all the way to the airport to meet her, when they had seen each other only a week ago!
He was even more puzzled when she said he coouuld come, and not that he shouldn't bother. Luckily, he didn't. He picked us up at the bus station at 2am instead. It took him more than ten seconds to realize who was skipping towards him in the snow. He had been thinking that Hanne looked very much like me, and with a tilted head, he didn't understand until I spoke. That very slow reaction is the one I've been receiving most often. Also from my friends and grandpa, who I suspect is reading this :) I'm pretty impressed and proud to have a grandfather of 92 that uses a laptop. It was really great to see you again!
After some family time, me and my brother went out for kicks with some friends and ended up staying out all night, acting more retarded than drunk people, and having a blast. I went with him in the morning to watch him box at a gathering. He won silver in the nationals for kickboxing a few weeks ago, so its very fun to watch. In the evening, I surprised some more friends at a floor-party(new apartment, no furniture, many girls). This is my first time to have a little break and write, as I enjoy the access of Spotify and the sun setting beautifully behind the snowcapped mountainrange. I was worried that it wouldn't anymore, but it does still leave me in awe. I don't know about the future. But I know I'm happy again. And Man, I love having a fridge and cabinet full of food! Especially at christmas, when one eats rediculous amounts.
I had a few enjoyable days with friends and family. I went boxing, where I had my brother and the trainer coaching me. I haven't boxed for a year, almost..
The day before christmas, my sister came home. She said hello to everyone, and I appeared in the door, pretending like nothing was up. This time, my whole family got to whitness the shock.
The days were traditional as always: eating, decorating my grandfather's house, the big gingerbread hearts we put up in the windows, the gingerbread house, the christmas tree. And on christmas day, the 24th, we watched the czech cinderella(like every norwegian on the 24th), went to church, had christmas dinner, dessert, and when I was really full, even more candy and cake, after opening the presents. I got clothes, money and the monthly gym membership.
The following day, the whole family went cross country skiing in a two hour long sunset, before turkey time. (Christmas porridge)
Here are some reasons why I went home: (the photos are worth watching. I looked at them all)
The 26th is the biggest party night of all year, here, and everyone goes out. This isn't a big city, so you can meet almost everyone you know. It was a great night! At 00.00, my birthday began, and I was carried around in the air, on the crowded dancefloor, dancing to "Barbara Streisand". I also got everything for free! Today, I get spoiled some more. We're making taco-tapas tonight and I'm going out to a bar called Vega to watch a band play, where I know one of the guys.

when we went cross country skiing
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