- Hanging out at Millhouse with my friends who have been partying every night, while I call it a night. Just don't find it worth the money.. I sightsaw a Lot in the days, so I have been equally tired as them. There is just always something to discover in this beautiful city.
The parks in Palermo made me realize how live-able it is here, and the free medical university is tempting. I dragged my australian friend named Shaun, out to see the parks.
- We went to the japanese garden, which costs 8 pesos for the entrance and is tiny, but the food is however delicious. Then we went to the bigger parks next to it and goofed around in a four seat bicycle. I love that park for its youthful life: there are, especially on weekends, always people jogging, bicycling, roller-scating, landhockeying, playing football, longboarding, sunbathing by the lake, and at one point: also doing an aerobic-latin dance class in the middle of the street. These things happen here in BA. There has been a spinning class in the middle of the massive 9 de Julio avenue, for instance.
- I try to see as many streets as I can, but it really is nice to walk along that enormous avenue with a 250gr bucket of Freddo gourmet ice cream for 27kr. Life does feel pretty awesome! I love that ice cream so much that I yesterday bought one, finished it and went: daamnit, where's the nearest Freddo? I convinced a girl in Millhouse to come with me on a bus to go get more. - Worth it!
The first few days, I was indulging in Buenos Aires´ nightlife culture, staying out far too late in one club and another house party. The weather switched from hot and sunny to grey and chilly... bew..
One by one, we got “kicked out” of the nice America del Sur, as you need to ask the day before if you can stay another day. The staff is wonderful, though. The best I`ve encountered. They allowed us to hang out there and use the facilities as much as we wanted. They just didn`t have enough beds in the hotel look-alike hostel. We`ve kept it as a meeting point, before they'd move to Millhouse, and I'd move to the cheap Tango, before couchsurfing.
- I have been couchsurfing twice now: first with a female photographer in Palermo, then with a local in San Telmo. I am his first couchsurfer and he has been too nice.
- Yesterday, after going to my first polo match, (50pesos) which happened to be between the best teams in the world at the final: Argentina vs England(was impressed and enjoyed it, as well as the burger outside), he took me outside to the providencial suburb, San Isidro, for a family dinner. It was lovely! They were so nice and welcoming.
- Played in the friday football tournament, which is arranged by the hostels in BA, every friday at 5, in Parque las Heras for 30pesos(per person). You play three 14min games. I arrived late, and we were already two too many on the team, so I joined another team and ended up playing against my friends. - Such a traitor! I was the only girl, as usual, so there was a great applause when the traitor scored...
Other sports events:
- La Boca - Tigre!
I decided to go scouting outside of the stadium for tickets, with a german guy called David. After seeing the colourful and touristy La Boca, where the restaurants have free tango shows on the street, we met up with a local girl who had gotten David a ticket, and found a guy selling. Or he found us. But we had already asked the guards how to tell a fake from a real ticket(scratch it and its black, not white), compared it to the real ones, and asked the seller to be in a photo with me, just in case. So I got a ticket for a 100 pesos, in the popular section, where the atmosphere is Crazy and wonderful, while my friends paid 300 for standing below the spitting Tigre fans.
The whole deal has a reputation for being dangerous, but it is overrated. Perhaps if It was a Boca - River game, one should be more careful. People were just happy, singing, dancing, and smoking weed.
-Tried that line-balance thing between trees, in the park. I got to know some nice argentinians that way, by asking if I could try. What else... well,
- I went with Shaun and a dutch friend called Edje to see Recoleta: a very nice area.
We explored the student environment by checking out the xollege and eating some scrumptious media lunas(crossaints) in the cafeteria. Me and Edje are hopefully going to Tigre this weekend for a couchsurfing-camping event. All the locals go away from BA this easter weekend, while foreigners take over. Its just that he's feeling a bit sick, so we'll see later when he comes over.
- One of the nights when we were hanging out in the hostel, they had a jam session where one girl had been singing all night. Then a random girl asked if she could sing a song, did, and I was pretty much pressured into singing "fever". I think I need to learn that song properly. The real singer had to direct me through it, but it was great fun.
- I have also been checking out gyms. One gym called Well club gave me a free spinning class and the use of their sauna, and said that I could try others if I wanted. I don't know if that would be for everyone or if it was just because the receptionist also asked me out. Genesis is a gym that you get a day for 30 pesos.
- I have read a little bit in the beautiful library, Ateneo, which is ranked as one of the ten most beautiful libraries in the world. It is a converted theatre, playing jazz and classical music.
- Also just watched the Semana Santa(easter) parade outside: nice music, lots of people and lights.
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